Certified Digital Marketing Manager

Design, plan and implement digital marketing strategies - Guided E-Learning Bootcamp with Mentor and "Bildungsgutschein"

Bildungs- gutschein
E-Learning Bootcamp
Personal Mentoring
Flexible Learning Time
Job Ready Practice


Digital marketing has become the supreme discipline of marketing. Digital marketing budgets have skyrocketed in recent years. Intelligent, creative and emphatic digital marketing is becoming increasingly important for business success. It is therefore important to use the various communication channels appropriately and to design touchpoints consistently with the customer. Sparks alone are no longer enough - companies must learn to listen. Today dialogue is required. It is important to conduct these dialogues across channels and to create a holistic "customer experience" in front of the customer.


Digital Marketing Basics

Digital marketing strategy, digital innovations and online marketing channels and methods

Brand Communication, Branding & PR

Branding, corporate design, communication strategies as well as reputation management and credibility building

Social Media Marketing & Advertising

Social media marketing, social media communication, social media advertising in relevant social media channels

Content Marketing & SEO

Content marketing and content strategy, content production, content planning and publishing, media ethics and law

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) via Paid Search (SEA)

Search Engine Marketing (SEM), paid search (SEA), Google Adwords campaigns and conversion optimized landing pages

E-Mail & Mobile Marketing

Email marketing and newsletter marketing, mobile marketing and affiliate marketing / referral marketing

Customer Decision & Augmented User Experience

Customer Experience, Lifecycle models, digital neuromarketing & UX, CRM und funnel strategies, AI, virtual and augmented reality.


Start your learning journey to "Certified Digital Marketing Manager".

  • bulletYou will work on a project and apply the methods taught in practice.
  • bulletIn the process, you will be accompanied by an experienced mentor and supported in building a portfolio.
  • bulletYou will receive a lot of theoretical input in the form of articles and videos.
  • bulletYou can permanently check your level of knowledge by means of quizzes.
  • bulletIn live trainings, you will learn how to use relevant tools in interactive settings.
  • bulletIn our community, you can exchange ideas with other participants. 
  • bulletIn moderated live sessions, you can ask questions and exchange ideas.
  • bulletIn short retrospectives, you reflect on the knowledge you have acquired and the methods you have learned.

Course offer for your education voucher (Bildungsgutschein)

Would you like to finance your course with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) from the Federal Employment Agency? Then request a non-binding course offer now.

Request a course offer

The field of digital marketing is more diverse today than ever before. Marketing managers in the digital world should know their target group and be able to communicate adequately on all channels. A marketing manager of today’s caliber is able to transmit on all frequencies and has his ear to all wires. He has his finger on the pulse of time, which is beating faster and faster, quickly detects trends and adapts them skilfully. In this online training course, which lasts several months, you will learn how to play the keyboard of digital marketing. You will learn methods, techniques and tools to design, plan and successfully implement marketing strategies.


You will be familiarized with all essential methodologies of digital marketing. You will understand what digital transformation means in marketing and what it means to develop innovative strategies in times of disruptive markets and business models. You will learn what brand communication and branding in the field of digital media means. You will learn to understand your customers and to design their customer journey across the various touchpoints. You will learn what a content marketing strategy is and how to develop it. You will learn how you can be found first on Google with professional SEO and how you can run ad campaigns with Google Adwords. You will get fit in online marketing, mobile marketing and social media marketing. You will learn the intricacies of email/newsletter marketing and familiarize yourself with the possibilities of affiliate marketing. With this further training you dive deep into the world of digital marketing and get to know and apply the most important methods


You can participate in this online course with an Bildungsgutschein from the Agentur für Arbeit. If you are already registered as arbeitssuchend (employment seeking), you can apply for a Bildungsgutschein at the Agentur für Arbeit. We have created an  Application Guide for this purpose. 

  • bullet

    Those who are looking for a job, who want to increase their chances on the market or qualify for a new job. 

  • bullet

    Those who want to change their career path, who want to reorient themselves, improve their job prospects or advance their career. 

  • bullet

    People who work or want to work in companies, agencies and consultancies on the conception, planning and implementation of digital marketing campaigns.

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    People who want to be in the field of marketing, advertising and PR, social media, communication and content management, copywriting, journalism and editing, as well as media, design and websites and apps

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    People who want to specialize in digital marketing and acquire solid practical knowledge. 



Digital Marketing Strategy
Market analysis, target group determination, digital business models and new approaches, collaborative consumption

Digital Transformation in Marketing
Customer Journey & Value Chain, 4P’s & 4R’s

Practice: Retrospective and analysis of the market considering the 4R’s, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Budgets & KPI’s of Digital Marketing Strategies
Digital KPIs and classic KPIs, CPL, CPA and CTR

Practice: Explanation of the methodology, measurement and application of selected KPI’s, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Digital Buyer´s Journey & Customer Decision Funnel
Buyer’s Journey, Customer Journey, Customer Decision Funnel, AIDA Model, after sales

Practice: Create a Customer Decision Journey, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Digital innovation, idea management, diffusion theory

Digital Business Models
Digital business models, innovation management methodology

Practice: Assessment and recommendation of a digital business model, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Disruptive Thinking & Disruptive Innovation
Disruptive thinking, disruptive innovation, Think Tank

Practice: Sketching an innovative product, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Big Data, SmartData & Data Driven Marketing
Big Data, Smart Data, data-driven marketing, first party data, second-party data

Practice: Outlining first, second and third party data and researching relevant statistics, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Online marketing channels, multi-channel marketing / multi-channel tracking

Push and Pull Marketing
Push marketing, pull marketing, synergy effects

Practice: Assessment and evaluation of a form of advertising, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Inbound versus Outbound Marketing
Characteristics of inbound & outbound marketing, differences, advantages and disadvantages, target group & buyer persona

Practice: Application of the key learnings to your practical example, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Websites and Blogs
Website marketing, SEO „Mobile First“, content marketing

Practice: Development of recommendations for action & creation of a buyers persona, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Branding, Corporate Design & Corporate Identity
Digital Branding, Corporate Identity, Corporate Design, UX & Brand Experience

Branding – Building a Brand
Brand identity, target groups, brand love, best practice

Practice: Explanation of measures for emotional branding, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Development of a Corporate Identity & Corporate Design
Coporate Identity, Corporate Communication, Corporate Behavior, Corporate Culture,Corporate Image

Practice: Graphical representation of a CI & structured presentation of your ideas, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Adaptive content, digital communication, communication trends

Storytelling in Cross Channel Marketing
Types of storytelling, WHY, Hero’s Journey, digital storytelling

Practice: Create a to-do list for your story, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Marketing Communications Management & Public Relations
Finding the intersection, content seeding, potential of digital PR for digital marketing,
PR strategy

Practice: Creating a blog post, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Referral Marketing & Affiliate Marketing
Referral marketing, purchased votes, stakeholders, referral and affiliate marketing

Practice: Recommendation and justification for the use of partner networks, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Influencer Marketing & Opinion Leaders
Definition of an influencer, advantages, life cycle, methods & varieties, opinion leader

Practice: Selection of a cooperation & brainstorming of your first campaign, presentation and feedback from your mentor


Social Media Channels
Choice of SM platforms

The Meta Empire – Facebook & Instagram
Functions, insights & target group, content selection

Practice: Creating a post for both platforms, presentation and feedback from your mentor

YouTube, Snapchat & TikTok
Statistiken, functions, insights & target groups

Praxis: Creating a storyboard taking the requirement of the chosen platforms into account, presentation and feedback from your mentor

The Business Networks – XING & LinkedIn
Data & facts, functions, insights & target group

Praxis: Creation of a company profile, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Function, social ads & landing pages, avertorials, native ads & sponsored content, success stories

Ads on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn & YouTube
Facebook ads, basics, ad formats

Practice: Creation of a shopping ad, documentation & explanation of your work, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Bid Strategies & Channel Hack
Strategies, channels & hacks

Practice: Plan an ad, selection & explanation of a bid strategy, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Functionalities of search engines
Types of search engines, Index-based search engines, Catalog-based search engines, Meta search engines, The top 5, Specialty search engines.

OnPage SEO, keywords & search engine optimized writing
The important signals, content creation, SEO architecture, HTML tips, tools & universal solutions, SEO KPI’s.

Practice: Research and compare websites under given factors, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Formats with added value, top 10 content magnets, editorial planning

Storytelling & Channel Strategie
Communication goals, brand storytelling via website, blog & social media

Practice: Opening an SM channel and filling in the first content, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Tools (Trello, Canva, Buffer, Hootsuite & Co.)
Project management & editorial planning, scheduling & posting, automation & content management

Practice: Planning 1 week of content, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Media Ethics and Legal Aspects of Digital Marketing
Online law, media law & internet law, press law & press code, SM advertising & labeling requirements

Practice: Creation of a social media guideline, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Standard search display, quality factor, machine learning, points of criticism

Campaign & Ad Design
Campaign types, responsive search ads, dynamic search ads, shopping, snippet extension, remarketing

Practice: Create an ads account & plan a search campaign, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Google Advertising Network
Display campaigns, success stories, YouTube campaigns, true view in-stream ads, bumper ads, performance campaigns

Practice: Creating a performance max campaign, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Quality Factor & Landing Pages
Contexts, LP best practices, the perfect structure of an LP

Practice: Creating an attractive landing page, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Google Marketing Platform, installation and linking with Google Ads, UTM parameters, critique

KPI´s & Conversion Tracking
Dashboards, analytics 4-reports

Practice: Building your own analytics dashboard & creating widgets, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Usability & A/B Testing
Tools, examples in digital marketing

Practice: Research of hypotheses for A/B testing, presentation and feedback from your mentor

4 phases, opportunities & risks, GDPR, tools

Structure, text composition and design of newsletters and trigger mails
Subject line, tips for structure, trigger mails, best practice

Practice: Creating a newsletter, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Automation, GDPR & Double OptIn
Tips & Benefits, Advantages, Free Tools, Paid Tools

Practice: Setting up an own newsletter campaign, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Statistics, OTT, App Marketing, NFT’s & Fintech, Gamification, Digital Detox

QR codes: a revival
Contactless connection, OR codes in social media, QR codes in marketing, referral marketing

Practice: Create a QR code for a landing page & create two analog campaigns, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Mobile SEO
Voice Search, PopUps & Interstitials, Mobile UX

Practice: Testing landing page for mobile friendliness & report analysis, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Lifecycle Marketing, Customer Decision Journey, CLV, CLM

Customer Relationship Management & Funnel Strategien
Customer relationship management systems, funnel strategies, CRM systems

Practice: Formulation of various micro-moments, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Digital Neuromarketing
Brain research & marketing, limbic map, neuromarketing examples

Practice: Develop short marketing ideas using psychological tricks, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Artificial Intelligence & Customer Experience
AI in digital marketing, efficiency improvement, quality optimization, UX

Artificial Intelligence with Chatbots & Voice Assistants
Power of the bot, voice user interfaces, controversial marketing, SEO to BEO.

Practice: Test bots & create chat, presentation and feedback from your mentor

Virtual & Argumented Reality
Definition of terms, both factors in digital marketing, virtual outlook

Practice: Create a concept using AR, presentation and feedback from your mentor



Choose a payment option and your preferred date and register for our "Certified Digital Marketing Manager" bootcamp.

I already have a "Bildungsgutschein"
I do not have a "Bildungsgutschein" yet

If you are registered in Germany and are looking for work or you are about to be made redundant, then you can apply for an education voucher at the employment agency. To find out if you are eligible for an education voucher, you will need to speak with your local employment agency. If you meet the requirements, you will receive an education voucher that entitles you to attend this XDi continuing education program free of charge. To get a step-by-step guide to this process, then take a look at our "Application Guide".

Find your local "Agentur für Arbeit" and make an appointment

If you have never been in contact with the employment agency before, simply find your local employment agency by searching online, e.g. "Agentur für Arbeit Berlin" or "Agentur für Arbeit in meiner Nähe". Once you have made an appointment, you will be assigned an advisor.

Find your local Arbeitsagentur

Step-by-step instructions for applying for an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) at the Agentur für Arbeit

Use our complete application guide to prepare for your employment with the employment agency and convince your advisor to approve your participation in the course. It contains the documents you need for the appointment.

Application guide

Request your personal course proposal from the XDi.

You may need to provide this document to the employment agency. This will only take a few minutes!

Request course proposal

Do you still have questions?

We are happy to support you in any way! Get in touch with us.

Get in touch

You have an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) from the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit) and would like to be trained as a "Certified Digital Marketing Manager"! Then you can start now - you can register.

Next start dates

Monday, 10.03.2025
Monday, 10.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 17.03.2025
Monday, 17.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 24.03.2025
Monday, 24.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 31.03.2025
Monday, 31.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 07.04.2025
Monday, 07.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 14.04.2025
Monday, 14.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 21.04.2025
Monday, 21.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 28.04.2025
Monday, 28.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times

Our offer for you

Pay once the total amount of 5.880,00 €.

Next start dates

Monday, 10.03.2025
Monday, 10.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 17.03.2025
Monday, 17.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 24.03.2025
Monday, 24.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 31.03.2025
Monday, 31.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 07.04.2025
Monday, 07.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 14.04.2025
Monday, 14.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 21.04.2025
Monday, 21.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 28.04.2025
Monday, 28.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times

Our offer for you

Pay a one-time fee of 2.690,00 € to secure your place in the training. After that, you conveniently pay 2x 1.750,00 € in intervals of 30 days, starting four weeks after the start of your continuing education.

Next start dates

Monday, 10.03.2025
Monday, 10.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 17.03.2025
Monday, 17.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 24.03.2025
Monday, 24.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 31.03.2025
Monday, 31.03.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 07.04.2025
Monday, 07.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 14.04.2025
Monday, 14.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 21.04.2025
Monday, 21.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times
Monday, 28.04.2025
Monday, 28.04.2025
Enough places
check icon Bildungsgutschein check icon Personal Mentoring check icon Flexible Learning Times

Not sure yet?

Not sure whether this course is right for you?
Try out our trial courses for free!

To the Trial Course




Satisfaction guarantee - 14 days trial

You can test this training up to 14 days after the start without risk. If you find that the training does not meet your needs, you can cancel your participation without additional costs. You also have the possibility to participate in a "trial course".


If you have any questions about this training, you can reach us at the e-mail address support@xd-i.com and by phone: +49 30 52001310

Please check the red marked fields!
Please call me
I hereby confirm that I have read and understood Data Protection Provisions and accept it as stated.


icon Guided E-Learning | Full-time / Part-time

Format: Guided E-Learning
Intensity: Full-time & Part-time
Duration: 3,5+ Months | 10-40h per Week
Scope: 450h | 600TU
Level: Beginner | Intermediate
Times: Daily
Language: English
Trainer: 1

ansprech icon Cancellation & Rebooking

  • bulletCancellation free of charge up to 14 days before start
  • bulletRebooking free of charge up to 14 days before start
  • bulletFree rebooking in case of illness
Contact person
Valentina Caronia



Certified Digital Marketing Manager

For the completed training you will receive the certificate “Certified Digital Marketing Manager” from the XDi – Experience Design Institute. The certificate is recognized by the German UPA, the Interaction Design Foundation and the UXPA and now enjoys an international reputation.


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Get in touch with us

Send us a message. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Your concern

Send a personal message
  • Send a personal message to us
  • Request a course offer for an Bildungsgutschein
  • Registration for a trial course
  • Get information material
Choose a salutation*
  • Ms.
  • Mr.
  • Ms. Dr.
  • Mr. Dr.
  • Ms. Prof.
  • Mr. Prof.
*Mandatory fields

Your direct contact to us

We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you soon.
  • Do you want to further your education and get started?
  • Would you like to find out more about us?
  • Do you have questions and need advice?

Any questions?

We are happy to help. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.
Valentina Caronia

Valentina Caronia

Account manager & Community manager