
Germany promotes Further Education - We are part of it.

In many cases, you have the opportunity to benefit from a subsidy for participating in our training courses. In the following, we have compiled information for you on the subsidies that you can claim for participation in our training courses.


Courses with a Bildungsgutschein from the Agentur für Arbeit

If you are registered in Germany and are looking for work or are about to be laid off, then you can apply for a Bildungsgutschein from the Agentur für Arbeit. To find out if you are eligible for an education voucher, you will need to speak with your local employment agency. If you meet the requirements, you will receive an education voucher that entitles you to attend this XDi continuing education program free of charge. To get step-by-step instructions for this process, click on the "Step-by-step instructions" button.

Step by Step Guide

Find your local "Agentur für Arbeit" and make an appointment

If you have never been in contact with the employment agency before, simply find your local employment agency by searching online, e.g. "Agentur für Arbeit Köln" or "Agentur für Arbeit in meiner Nähe". Once you have made an appointment, you will be assigned an advisor.

Find your local Arbeitsagentur

Step-by-step instructions for applying for an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) at "Agentur für Arbeit"

Use our complete application guide to prepare for your employment with the employment agency and convince your advisor to approve your participation in the course. It contains the documents you need for the appointment.

Application guide

Request your personal course proposal from us.

You may need to provide this document to the employment agency. This will only take a few minutes!

Request course proposal

Do you have any questions?

We are happy to support you in any way! Get in touch with us.

Contact us

Courses with Education Voucher

Certified User Experience Designer

In the intensive online training course "Certified User Experience Designer", which lasts several months and can be completed either full or part time, you will build up an extensively equipped method case with the support of a personal mentor and high-quality learning content, so that you can then independently develop innovative, successful and user-friendly digital products. You'll build a solid foundation and pave the way to a successful professional future where you can put your talents to the best possible use.

Enter the course page

Certified Product & Project Manager

In the intensive online training course "Certified Product & Project Manager", which lasts several months and can be completed either full or part time, you will build up an extensively equipped toolbox with the support of a personal mentor and high-quality learning content to be able to manage the development of digital products. You'll build a solid foundation and pave the way to a successful, professional future where you can put your talents to the best possible use.

Enter the course page

Certified Digital Marketing Manager

In this online training course you will learn how to play the keyboard of digital marketing. You will become familiar with essential methodologies of digital marketing and learn methods, techniques and tools to design, plan and successfully implement marketing strategies. You will understand what digital transformation means for marketing and what it means to develop innovative strategies in times of disruptive markets and business models. 

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Certified Data Analyst

As a participant in the Certified Data Analyst course, you can expect a transformative learning experience that equips you with a comprehensive skill set in data analysis. The program covers foundational concepts, hands-on application of industry-standard tools like MySQL and SQL, proficiency in data manipulation using Excel and Python, and the creation of impactful visualizations with Power BI. 

Enter the course page

Find your local "Agentur für Arbeit" and make an appointment

If you have never been in contact with the employment agency before, simply find your local employment agency by searching online, e.g. "Agentur für Arbeit Köln" or "Agentur für Arbeit in meiner Nähe". Once you have made an appointment, you will be assigned an advisor.

Find your local Arbeitsagentur

Step-by-step instructions for applying for an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) at "Agentur für Arbeit"

Use our complete application guide to prepare for your employment with the employment agency and convince your advisor to approve your participation in the course. It contains the documents you need for the appointment.

Application guide

Request your personal course proposal from us.

You may need to provide this document to the employment agency. This will only take a few minutes!

Request course proposal

Do you have any questions?

We are happy to support you in any way! Get in touch with us.

Contact us

Certified User Experience Designer

In the intensive online training course "Certified User Experience Designer", which lasts several months and can be completed either full or part time, you will build up an extensively equipped method case with the support of a personal mentor and high-quality learning content, so that you can then independently develop innovative, successful and user-friendly digital products. You'll build a solid foundation and pave the way to a successful professional future where you can put your talents to the best possible use.

Enter the course page

Certified Product & Project Manager

In the intensive online training course "Certified Product & Project Manager", which lasts several months and can be completed either full or part time, you will build up an extensively equipped toolbox with the support of a personal mentor and high-quality learning content to be able to manage the development of digital products. You'll build a solid foundation and pave the way to a successful, professional future where you can put your talents to the best possible use.

Enter the course page

Certified Digital Marketing Manager

In this online training course you will learn how to play the keyboard of digital marketing. You will become familiar with essential methodologies of digital marketing and learn methods, techniques and tools to design, plan and successfully implement marketing strategies. You will understand what digital transformation means for marketing and what it means to develop innovative strategies in times of disruptive markets and business models. 

Enter the course page

Certified Data Analyst

As a participant in the Certified Data Analyst course, you can expect a transformative learning experience that equips you with a comprehensive skill set in data analysis. The program covers foundational concepts, hands-on application of industry-standard tools like MySQL and SQL, proficiency in data manipulation using Excel and Python, and the creation of impactful visualizations with Power BI. 

Enter the course page

Courses with subsidies through the Qualifizierungschancen-Angebot

Employees are eligible for funding under the Qualifizierungschancengesetzes, regardless of age and company size, provided that the training is carried out by an AZAV-certified training institution, such as the Experience Design Institute, and lasts at least 120 hours, as is the case with our Guided E-Learning courses.

The costs of the continuing training can be subsidised up to 100%. In addition, depending on the size of the enterprise, there is a wage subsidy to compensate for the loss work during the continuing training. What is new this year is that the funding can also be used for short-time work until July 2023.

The following chart shows how much the subsidies will cost in detail:


For more information, visit the "Agentur für Arbeit" website or feel free to contact us.

Subsidies in short-time work - "Arbeit-von-Morgen-Gesetz"

The aim of the "Arbeit-von-Morgen-Gesetz" is to secure jobs. It represents a further development of the "Qualifizierungschancengesetz" and includes subsidies for further training and wage costs.

This is how you can benefit from the "Qualifizierungschancengesetz":

  • bulletIncrease of subsidies for further training & wage costs with the social partnership qualification agreement by 5%.
  • bulletIncrease in subsidies in the case of a high proportion of employees (+ 10%) requiring for further training (+15%).
  • bulletNew opportunities for collective applications for support for continuing vocational training.
  • bulletReduction of the minimum duration of continuing education from at least 160 to at least 120 hours.
  • bulletIncrease in the duration of short-time allowance from 12 to 24 months (when starting short-time work begins, until March 31, 2022).
  • bulletReimbursement of social security contributions by the Agentur für Arbeit by means of "Kurzarbeitergeldverlängerungsverordnung" (from January 1, 2022).
  • bulletIndependence of age and existing qualification in the promotion of further training measures.

Continuing education with funding from the federal states

Continuing education in Germany is also organized on a federal basis. Therefore, each federal state has its own funding options. But they all have one thing in common - you can receive financial support for participating in our continuing education courses. We have compiled the possibilities for you.

Vocational Development Service of the Bundeswehr

The Vocational Development Service of the German Bundeswehr advises and supports soldiers from thebeginning of their military service until their integration into the civilian labour market after the end of theirservice.

Target group

Voluntary military service


Professional officers in air service with special age limit


In individual cases also professional soldiers

Funding Amount

Continuing education or retraining is eligible for up to 100% funding via the German Bundeswehr Vocational Development Service.

Contact Details


for a promotion

Terms & Conditions

Continuing Education Allowance

Brief Description

If you want to catch up with a vocational qualification by training or retraining with the support of the Job Center, this is possible over a period of 3 years if necessary.

Starting 1 July 2023, if you undertake further training leading to a vocational qualification, as a customer of the Job Center, you will receive a continuing education allowance.
In addition, you can receive a further education bonus for passing intermediate and final examinations.

In the case of continuing education that is not aimed at a vocational qualification, you will receive a civic allowance bonus if the training lasts at least 8 weeks.

You will also receive the civic money bonus if you take part in certain measures for young people. These include, for example:
Vocational preparation measures

Target Group

Bürgergeld Recipient


Recipients of Arbeitslosengeld

  • bulletYou are unemployed and receive Arbeitslosengeld I or Bürgergeld.
  • bulletYou are an employee and are entitled to SGB II benefits.
Funding Amount

Between 75,00€ - 150,00€ per month

Contact Details

Find your correct office of the Bundesagentur für Arbeit

Click here

Upgrading BAföG (formerly Meister-BAföG)

Brief Description

Funding is provided for full-time and part-time advanced training courses run by public and private institutions that provide specific preparation for public-law examinations in accordance with the Berufsbildungsgesetz, the Handwerksverordnung or prepare for equivalent degrees in accordance with federal or state law.

Funding is also provided for persons who are admitted to an examination or to an appropriate schoolqualification under the public-law continuing education regulations for a promotion qualification without an initial training qualification (e. g. drop-outs or high school graduates with professional experience).

Target Group

If you are preparing for a qualification to become a master craftsman and industrialist, educator, technician, specialist salesman, business economist or one of more than 700 comparable qualifications. There is no age limit for funding under the Aufstiegsfortbildungsförderungsgesetz.

  • bulletMeasures of the first training level must comprise at least 200 teaching hours. These are funded up to a minimum of 400 hours on a part-time basis. Measures at the second and third levels of training must comprise at least 400 hours of instruction and can be funded on a full-time or part-time basis.
  • bulletIn the case of full-time measures, there must generally be at least 25 teaching hours per week on 4 working days (full-time). Full-time continuing education courses may not last longer than three years in total (maximum full-time time frame).
  • bulletPart-time measures must include an average of at least 18 instructional hours per month (part-time). Part-time measures may not last longer than four years in total (maximum part-time time frame).
  • bulletDistance learning courses can be funded as part-time measures if they meet the funding requirements of the AFBG and also comply with the requirements of the Fernunterrichtschutzgesetztes.
Funding Amount

To finance the course and examination fees, you can receive a contribution in the amount of the actual fees incurred, regardless of income and assets, up to a maximum of 15,000 euros. Since August 01, 2020, you will receive 50 percent of the funding as a grant. For the remainder of the subsidy amount, you will receive an offer from KfW for a low-interest bank loan

Contact Details

Mo-Th 08:00 – 18:00
Fr 08:00 – 16:30

0800 / 622 36 34

Forms and Applications

Get in touch with us

Send us a message. We will get back to you within 24 hours.

Your concern

Send a personal message
  • Send a personal message to us
  • Request a course offer for an Bildungsgutschein
  • Registration for a trial course
  • Get information material
Choose a salutation*
  • Ms.
  • Mr.
  • Ms. Dr.
  • Mr. Dr.
  • Ms. Prof.
  • Mr. Prof.
*Mandatory fields

Your direct contact to us

We look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you soon.
  • Do you want to further your education and get started?
  • Would you like to find out more about us?
  • Do you have questions and need advice?

Any questions?

We are happy to help. You can reach us Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.
Valentina Caronia

Valentina Caronia

Account manager & Community manager