From new roles and responsibilities in product management, to new project management methods
Develop, test and successfully launch customer-centric products through agile product development in short iteration cycles.
Analyse users, products and markets and identify key criteria (including key features) for competitive offers.
Create business models with Business Model Canvas and Kano Model and develop value proposition design with Value Proposition Canvas.
From Product Vision, to Story Maps and User Stories, as well as agile estimation with Fibonacci and Planning Poker.
Develop ideas and prototype products with Design Thinking and User Experience Design.
Plan and manage products and projects with leadership and stakeholder management.
Develop a product strategy and a product roadmap with metrics, key performance indicators and KPIs based on corporate goals and product vision.
Start your learning journey to "Certified Product & Project Manager".
You will work on a project and apply the methods taught in practice.
In the process, you will be accompanied by an experienced mentor and supported in building a portfolio.
You will receive a lot of theoretical input in the form of articles.
You can permanently check your level of knowledge by means of quizzes.
In live trainings, you will learn how to use relevant tools in interactive settings.
In our community, you can exchange ideas with other participants.
In moderated live sessions, you can ask questions and exchange ideas.
In short retrospectives, you reflect on the knowledge you have acquired and the methods you have learned.
Course offer for your education voucher (Bildungsgutschein)
Would you like to finance your course with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) from the Federal Employment Agency? Then request a non-binding course offer now.

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You will shortly receive an e-mail about your desired course offer.
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Best regards
Your XDi-Team

Digitalisation is changing all of our lives – and it is changing the way products, services and business models are developed. The VUCA World is characterised by complexity, dynamics and uncertainty. Companies are confronted with constantly evolving technologies, ever-changing customer needs and disruptively changing market conditions. In this training you will learn suitable methods and tools to develop new products, services and business models and to bring innovations successfully to the market.

In the course to become a Certified Product & Project Manager, you will learn suitable methods to develop new products, services and business models and to successfully bring innovations to the market. You will focus on the market, product analysis and potential customers, deal with business models and the financing of these and gain a deep insight into stakeholder management and product life cycle management. You will go through various development phases from market and target group analysis to the development of a roadmap, product and go-to-market strategy, from hypothesis generation to an MVP – Minimum Viable Product to the prototype-tested product. You will deal intensively with agile methods such as Scrum, Kanban and Lean Startup. You will get to know and apply proven approaches such as Design Thinking, User Experience Design, Value Proposition Design and jobs to be done. You will develop a Product Vision, create User Stories and User Story Maps and thus practically apply your acquired knowledge in realistic scenarios.
Get started?
You can participate in this online course with an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) from the employment agency. If you are registered as a job seeker, then you can apply for an education voucher at the "Arbeitsagentur". We have created an application guide for this purpose.
Job seekers who want to increase their chances on the labor market or qualify for a new job..
Career changers who want to reorient themselves, improve their job prospects or advance their career..
Career starters who have completed their school education or vocational training, want to position themselves for the future and successfully start their professional life, or want to pursue a course of study..
People who work or want to work in companies, consultancies and agencies on the strategy, conception and development of products, services and business models.
People who are or want to be in the environment of product and project management, product design and design management, user experience and design thinking as well as agile web and software development.
People who want to specialize in agile product and project management and acquire solid practical knowledge
Digital Transformation
Digital transformation, VUKA World, disruptive innovations, Gartner Hype Cycle, Cynefin Framework, Stacey Matrix, Product Life Cycle, Project Management, Magic Triangle, project phases, Shu-Ha-Ri Principle, Lean Management, Agile Frameworks, Agile Manifesto, distinction between classic and agile project management
Practice: Design of a disruptive business model, creation of a project profile, elaboration of challenges and opportunities of an agile project culture each with presentation and feedback with mentor
History, Scrum process, product and sprint backlog, sprint planning, review and retrospective, roles of product owner, Scrum master and developer
Practice: Classification of roles, events, artefacts and control points in the Scrum process with presentation and feedback with mentor
OKR Method
OKR Formula & Examples, Values of OKR, OKR Master, OKR Levels, OKR Process, OKR Artefact, OKR meets Scrum, OKR Tracking
Practice: Developing an OKR model with goals and measures, presentation and feedback with mentor
Origin, visualisation of work, limitation of the amount of work started, control of the workflow, process rules
Practice: Creating a Kanban workflow with WIP limit, presentation and feedback with mentor
Lean Startup
Origin, Build-Measure-Learn Cycle, MVP (minimum viable product), pivoting, Validation Board, Lean Startup as innovation process, MMP (minimum marketable product)
Practice: Planning an MVP, presentation and feedback with mentor
Agile User Research, Interviews, Personas & Empathy Maps, Customer Journeys & Experience Maps, User Scenarios & Use Cases
Practice: Customer-centred perspective taking (expectations & pains), creation of an empathy map and persona, design of a customer lifecycle, development of a customer journey, design of a user scenario, each with presentation and feedback with mentor.
Heuristic evaluation, Usability Testing, Smoke Test, Analytik & Smart Data
Practice: Creating a questionnaire and conducting an interview, conducting a live usability test, collecting ideas for analytics data based on the persona via Google Analytics, each with presentation and feedback with mentor.
Competitive analysis, Benchmarking, identification of key criteria (incl. key features) for competitive offers, market segmentation, value & value proposition, product positioning, brand analysis, validation techniques incl. observation and problem interviews, trend analyses.
Practice: Carrying out a competition SWOT analysis, influencer competition analysis and trend analysis, each with presentation and feedback with mentor
Product vision, selection and prioritisation of the business objective, business model description and validation incl. revenue sources, cost factors, business innovation / business vision, Business Model Design, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Design / Value Proposition Canvas, Kano Model.
Practice: Development of a product vision based on the Product Vision Canvas Board, development of a business model based on the Business Model Canvas, development of a KANO model, each with presentation and feedback with mentor.
Basics of financial planning and business case creation, financial model for a specific target group, description of different pricing approaches for a new product.
Practice: Working out the advantages and disadvantages of different pricing models (free, freemium, subscription…), presentation and feedback with a mentor.
Features, Story Maps, User Stories & acceptance criteria
Practice: Creation of a user story with acceptance criteria and a user story map, presentation and feedback with mentor.
Relative estimation, Storypoints, Planning Poker, T-Shirt Method, Magic Estimation
Practice: Agile estimation with Planning Poker, presentation and feedback with mentor
Design as a success factor, design as a sales driver, User Experience, exceptional design, design management, UX design (user-centred design), business design, UX strategy
Ideation, Co-Creation, creativity techniques, brainstorming, Double Diamond, Design Sprint, Interaction Design, Ecosystems, Responsive Design, Contextual Design, Wireframes & Sketches, information architecture, Design Patterns, User Interface Design
Practice: Development of a design thinking challenge (formulation of a problem), identification of extreme users, development of “jobs to be done”, agenda of a design thinking workshop, creation of a style guide, creation of wireframes, implementation of a usability test, in each case with presentation and feedback with mentor.
Corporate goals and visions, “bird-in-hand” principle, digital transformation, digital business models
Practice: Questioning backlog with the problems from everyday work presentation, feedback and discussion of the new roles in product management
Product roadmap incl. goals, metrics, key performance indicators (KPIs) and key features, value proposition, return on invest (ROI), UX strategy, go-to-market strategy, lifecycle phases and product performance, impact on product goals, pricing and marketing strategy, key events incl. market launch, product/market fit, end of sales
Practice: Questioning backlog with the problems from everyday work Presentation, feedback and discussion of the new roles in product management
Lateral leadership, roles in agile frameworks, leadership & management 3.0, New Work, building a team, assigning roles and responsibilities, defining goals and release planning, culture mapping, RACI Matrix, Power Interest Grid, stakeholder communication, stakeholder interviews, personality analyses (MBTI, DISG, …)
Practice: Questioning backlog with the problems from everyday work presentation, feedback and discussion of the new roles in product management
Choose a payment option and your preferred date and register for our "Certified Product & Project Manager" bootcamp.
If you are registered in Germany and are looking for work or you are about to be made redundant, then you can apply for an education voucher at the employment agency. To find out if you are eligible for an education voucher, you will need to speak with your local employment agency. If you meet the requirements, you will receive an education voucher that entitles you to attend this XDi continuing education program free of charge. To get a step-by-step guide to this process, then take a look at our "Application Guide".

Find your local "Agentur für Arbeit" and make an appointment
If you have never been in contact with the employment agency before, simply find your local employment agency by searching online, e.g. "Agentur für Arbeit Köln" or "Agentur für Arbeit in meiner Nähe". Once you have made an appointment, you will be assigned an advisor.

Step-by-step instructions for applying for an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) at the Agentur für Arbeit
Use our complete application guide to prepare for your employment with the employment agency and convince your advisor to approve your participation in the course. It contains the documents you need for the appointment.

Request your personal course proposal from the XDi.
You may need to provide this document to the employment agency. This will only take a few minutes!

Do you still have questions?
We are happy to support you in any way! Get in touch with us.
You have an education voucher (Bildungsgutschein) from the employment agency (Agentur für Arbeit) and would like to be trained as a "Certified Product & Project Manager"! Then you can start now - you can register.
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Our offer for you
Pay once the total amount of 5.880,00 €.
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Our offer for you
Pay a one-time fee of 2.690,00 € to secure your place in the training. After that, you conveniently pay 2x 1.750,00 € in intervals of 30 days, starting four weeks after the start of your continuing education.
Next start dates
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Try out our trial courses for free!
You can test this training up to 14 days after the start without risk. If you find that the training does not meet your needs, you can cancel your participation without additional costs.
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Contact & Callback
If you have any questions about this training, you can reach us at the email address and by phone at: +49 30 5200 1318
Guided E-Learning | Full-time / Part-time
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For the completed training you will receive the certificate “Certified Product & Project Manager” of the XDi – Experience Design Institute. The certificate is recognized by the German UPA , the Interaction Design Foundation and the UXPA and now enjoys an international reputation.
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